Elem./MG – Doodleville: Art Attacks!

Sell, Chad. Doodleville: Art Attacks! Alfred Knopf, 2022. 978-1-984-89474-8. 250 p. $12.99  Grades 3-6.

Drew’s art club and the Doodles are back in Doodleville: Art Attacks!, which left off where Doodleville ended, with Levi, a doodle (who like the other doodles, can come to life), “borrowing” a baby from a portrait in the Art Institute of Chicago. The baby’s mother is not pleased, and chaos ensues in Art Attacks, as everything seems to go awry in an attempt to reunite the baby with its mother. It begins with bringing the baby back to the institute, where, through a series of events, spurred by Levi’s fear of the mother, the cat statue in Dorian Gray’s portrait is broken, enraging Dorian. Levi, afraid of the mother, once again steals (and hides!) the baby and the Mom, blaming Dorian, amasses and army of art to find her baby. Dorian, on his end, gets his own crew together. Drew’s art club, disagreeing on how best to proceed, first adds to the problem, fractures in argument, then comes together to get the art institute back on track.

THOUGHTS: Doodleville: Art Attacks! clearly is a continuation of the first book, and the two should be read in order, or it won’t make sense. Doodleville’s greatest strengths lie in the value it puts on the arts and imagination through its strong art/adventure storyline–unusual in the graphic novel market. The original cast is full of diverse characters (and their doodles) and it is, indeed, their diversity of thought and action that creates some of the conflict in the book. Gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other leads to an increased ability to work together and problem solve toward an ending that satisfies all–and creates a space for children in the Art Institute of Chicago. Recommended for its readability, creativity, and emphasis on the importance of art, as well as its cast of characters.

Graphic Novel          Hannah J. Thomas, Central Bucks SD

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