MS – Orphan Train Girl (YR Ed.)

Kline, Christina Baker. Orphan Train Girl (Young Readers’ Ed.). HarperCollins, 2017. 978-0-06-244594-0. $17.99. 221pp. Gr. 3-6.

Molly Ayer stole a book from the library.  She doesn’t know why she took it; she just did.  Now, her foster parents might send her away and her social worker wants her to complete community service.  Through the help of her only friend Jack, Molly is assigned to help Mrs. Vivian Daly clean her attic. As Molly and Vivian begin unpacking the attic, Molly learns that Vivian is unpacking her memories.  Memories of a childhood without a family; memories of friendship and kindness that helped Vivian survive. And Molly too is unleashing memories of her own family through Vivian’s experience. Soon Molly realizes that she is not alone just as Vivian learned almost a century before.  THOUGHTS:  Orphan Train Girl Young Readers’ Edition is a must for all upper elementary and middle school libraries.  It introduces a little known time in U.S. history that helps students understand the hardships of life, while also helping them understand the impact of government programs today.  I can’t wait to read Orphan Train (the original novel) for more information and details that are missing in the Young Readers’ Edition.  

Historical Fiction      Erin Bechdel, Beaver Area SD