Elem. – Wutaryoo

Magruder, Nilah. Wutaryoo. Versify, 2022.978-0-358-17238-3. $17.99. Grades K-3.

Wutaryoo is a creature that is unlike any other. Being small with a fluffy tail, long ears, and tiny horns, Wutaryoo has always been asked what she is. Wutaryoo does not know what she is, though, or where she came from. She loves listening and learning about all of her friends’ stories, but she wishes she has her own story of where she came from and who her ancestors are. Wutaryoo decides to set off on her own adventure to find out who she is and what her story tells the world.

THOUGHTS: A thoughtful story that highlights the importance of figuring out who you are and what your story is, even if it is different from all of the rest.

Picture Book                    Rachel Burkhouse, Otto-Eldred SD