Our Lit Review team is ready to share the best books of 2019 (2020 series NF) with you. Follow along here or on Twitter @PSLA_Lit Review.
Welcome to our newest reviewers: Arryn Cumpston, Jackie Fulton, Jillian Gasper, Brooke Gerlach, Brooke Huebner, Samantha Hull, Sarah Strouse, & Eva Thomas!
Welcome back to our returning reviewers: Erin, Bechdel, Maggie Bokelman, Maryalice Bond, Anne Bozievich, Rachel Burkhouse, Bridget Fox, Beth McGuire, Denise Medwick, Dustin Brackbill, Beth Henry, Lindsey Long, Nancy Nadig, Nancy Summers, Amy Pickett, Julie Ritter, Melissa Scott, Lauren Friedman-Way, & Emily Woodward!
We look forward to sharing many great titles with you this year.