Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbooks. Quirk Books, 2024. $12.99 ea. $77.94 set of 6. 128 p. Grades 4-7.
Borgenicht, David & Robin Epstein. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Junior Edition. 978-0-811-86065-9.
Borgenicht, David & Justin Heimberg. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Extreme Junior Edition. 978-0-811-86568-5.
—. The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook for Kids. 978-1-683-69456-4.
—. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Weird Junior Edition. 978-0-811-87438-0.
Borgenicht, David, Nathaniel Marunas, & Robin Epstein. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Gross Junior Edition. 978-0-811-87570-7.
Borgenicht, David, Ben Winters, & Robin Epstein. The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Middle School. 978-0-811-86864-8.
How would you survive in piranha-infested waters? What if you were caught in an avalanche? How do you build a shelter in the rainforest to protect yourself from the elements? There is a great, wide world out there to explore, but we have to be prepared for worst-case scenarios, and this is where The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook for Kids comes in handy. This book gives practical and easy-to-understand advice for how to survive in all types of environment, including at sea, in the jungle, in the desert, in the mountains, in the Arctic, and on safari. Written with humor, the book covers a wide range of survival scenarios in each environment from escaping quicksand, fending off wild animals, making a shelter, and treating injuries. It even has specific instructions for using the bathroom in the woods! No matter what the situation, the authors always emphasize staying calm, thinking critically, and using creativity to navigate tricky situations.
THOUGHTS: With step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and easy-to-follow tips, the book empowers kids with confidence and problem-solving skills. Fun quizzes and “Would You Rather?” scenarios are peppered throughout the book. Back matter includes tips for navigation and a field guide to extreme foods.The authors present safety and survival advice in an entertaining way, making it both educational and enjoyable. This would be a great purchase for upper elementary and middle grade libraries where the I Survived series circulates widely.
600s Survival Skills