Elem. – Violin of Hope

Schwartz, Ella. Violin of Hope. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2024. 979-8-765-60419-9. $18.99. 36 p. Grades 1-3.

Inspired by the real life Violins of Hope project, this story follows a beloved family violin that gets snatched away one night by Nazis. The violin sits quiet and broken for many years until a luthier finds the musical treasure and restores it to its former glory. Hanging in the luthier’s shop, the violin finds its way into the hands of another family, which readers are led to believe is the grandson of the original owner. The violin rings out in hope as the boy and violin travel the world playing Yiddish music in famous concert halls. The author’s note provides more details and backstory.

THOUGHTS: At first a seemingly simple story about a father playing the violin for his young family turns very deep when Nazis come to confiscate the prized possession. This story sheds light on part of the Holocaust that has not been written about before, and the author’s note is a must read. The story itself is short enough for a young audience and well written to still be age appropriate for ages 6-9.

Picture Book          

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