Elem. – Labrador Retrievers (Series NF)

Andrews, Elizabeth. Dogs. Abdo, 2023. 24 p. $21.95 ea. $132.00 Set of 6. Grades K-3.

Labrador Retrievers. 978-1-098-24322-7.
Boston Terriers
. 978-1-098-24317-3.
Dachshunds.  978-1-098-24318-0.
French Bulldogs.  978-1-098-24319-7.
Golden Retrievers.  978-1-098-24320-3.
Great Danes.  978-1-098-24321-0.

Labrador Retrievers is one of six books in Abdo’s 4-D series, Dogs. In addition to the text and images on each page, books in this series feature several QR codes that readers can scan to access videos, websites, and activities. Includes a table of contents, reading strategies, glossary, and index. The information presented on Labradors is basic, as expected for the target audience. Information includes facts about the breed, personality and uses, care, and puppies. The majority of the images fill the page opposite the text and prominently feature the dog or dog/human interaction.

THOUGHTS: Young readers will enjoy browsing this book for its pictures and accessible text. The layout is clean, with chapter titles that make sense, larger text, and callouts that share fun information. The QR codes that link to additional content are thoughtfully sized and placed so readers can find them without disrupting the flow of the page. The QR coded videos, activities, and information via website is a nice addition to the book, but should be considered a supplement, as the youngest members of the target audience may need parent help to navigate the links and comprehend their content. A worthwhile addition to libraries looking to update their pet dog collection, particularly in the E section.

636.7 Dogs