Elem. – The Pharaoh vs. the Felines

Fox, J.F. The Pharaoh vs. the Felines (Head-to-Head History, Book 3). Illustrated by Anna Kwan. Kids Can Press, 2024. 978-1-525-30652-5. Unpaged. $21.99. Grades K-3.

Egypt and Persia, two great powers of the ancient world, fought for years over control of the Fertile Crescent. When Cambyses II (ruler of Persia) asked to marry the daughter of Amasis II (pharaoh of Egypt), the pharaoh agreed. However, because Amasis II didn’t want his daughter to leave the country, he sent an imposter instead. When his ruse was discovered, war broke out between the two powers. Cambyses II took a very unconventional approach to war, incorporating the use of cats, which Egyptians felt were sacred. This entertaining, easy-to-read historical account is full of humor and cat puns. It also includes a timeline and glossary, as well as a brief explanation of the way in which historians arrive at conclusions about things that happened long ago.

THOUGHTS: This is an extremely accessible and humorous look at a little-known battle in history. Young readers will glean many facts about the ancient Egyptians from this story. It may, however, leave them with some questions as well, such as how exactly Cambyses II’s army incorporated cats into the battle. It should also be noted that there is a reference to beer in the book, as it was one of the many things that the ancient Egyptians invented.

932 Ancient Egypt