Elem. – The Power of Energy (Series NF)

The Power of Energy. Child’s World, 2023. $25.00 ea. $200.00 Set of 8. 32 p. Grades 2-5.

Harkrader, Lisa. Nuclear Power.978-1-503-86498-6.
—.  Wind Power. 978-1-503-86398-6.
Mihaly, Christy. Biomass Power. 978-1-503-86499-3.
Perdew, Laura. Hydroelectric Power. 978-1-503-86497-9.
—. Solar Power.  978-1-503-86495-5.
Rea, Amy C. Coal Power. 978-1-503-86501-3.
—. Natural Gas Power
. 978-1-503-86500-6.
Richards, Patti.  Oil Power.  978-1-503-86502-0.

One of 8 books in The Child’s World’s The Power of Energy series, Nuclear Power offers young readers a balanced introduction to the ins and outs of nuclear energy. Written in a manner that is accessible to the target audience, the book explores what nuclear energy is, its benefits and drawbacks, and its future. The book acknowledges nuclear energy’s history in war as well as its high-profile accidents (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima).  It is up-to-date with advances in nuclear energy technology and waste management. Solar Power offers young readers a well-rounded perspective on solar power. The book is organized into five chapters: “Capturing the Sun,” “How Solar Energy Works,” “Benefits of Solar Energy,” “Drawbacks to Solar Energy,” and “Into the Future.” Sidebars in several chapters provide glimpses into novel uses for solar power, such as for airplanes. The images and figures chosen compliment and often expand upon the text. Includes a glossary, fast facts, extension questions, suggested reading list, and an index, as well as access to a curated page with web links.   

THOUGHTS: These titles offer updated information to any library looking to add or refresh the information they have available on the topic. The weakest component of the Nuclear Power book was the curated page of web links, whose offerings were only OK, while Solar Power offered three solid options for further investigation. The entire Power of Energy series seems to offers a strong option for libraries looking to update, augment, or create their energy section.  

333 Economics of Land and Energy