Popular: a Memoir


Van Wagenen, Maya. Popular: a Memoir. New York: Dutton Books, 2014.  978-0-525-42681-3. 259p. $18.99 Grades 7+.

When Maya Van Wagenen found a copy of Betty Cornell’s Teen-Age Popularity Guide from 1951 she never thought following its tips would change her life.  In this funny and heartfelt memoir, Maya chronicles her journey through Betty’s book and her eighth grade year in Brownsville, Texas.  Each chapter of Popular focuses on a different chapter from Betty Cornell’s Teen-Age Popularity Guide, adding in her own tips on what she finds  works and what definitely does not work.  This is great for girls who may be struggling with making friends or finding where they fit in at a new school.  It’s also a great reminder to teachers and librarians that not everyone has the same background.  Maya’s final popularity tip is enough to give one chills.

Memoir              Laura Ward, Fox Chapel Area High School