Elem. – One Turtle’s Last Straw: The Real-Life Rescue That Sparked a Sea Change

Boxer, Elisa. One Turtle’s Last Straw: The Real-Life Rescue That Sparked a Sea Change. Illustrated by Marta Álvarez Miguéns. Crown Books for Young Readers, 2022. 978-0-593-37246-3. $17.99. 40 p. Grades PK-3.

Beautifully illustrated by Marta Álvarez Miguéns, this nonfiction picture book shows the journey of a discarded plastic drinking straw. The straw is thrown away properly in a garbage can, but is blown out of the can by high winds. The straw travels into the sewer system and eventually makes its way to the ocean, where it is consumed by an olive ridley sea turtle. The turtle struggles to breathe and eat with the straw lodged in its nose and throat. Rescued by Dr. Nathan Robinson and Dr. Christine Figgener, the turtle is saved when the straw is carefully removed. The turtle is able to return to the ocean. Based on a true story, and the video-taped documentation of the rescue operation that has been viewed on YouTube over 150 million times, this book introduces young readers to the impact of single-use plastics on our environment. The afterword by marine conservation biologist Christine Figgener, PhD, and the author’s note, include additional details of the rescue and photographs of the real-life turtle. Also included are brief stories of young people who have made significant contributions to the reduction of ocean pollution, bibliography, and resources for further exploration.

THOUGHTS: This story is told very simply in words and pictures to help young children understand the impact a single piece of trash can have on the environment. Never scary or gory, the book ends happily with a young girl ordering a meal in a restaurant. As she remembers the story of the rescued olive ridley sea turtle, she orders her drink without a straw. The message is that very small, simple changes can have a big impact on our environment.  

597.92 Turtles          Anne McKernan, Council Rock SD

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