YA – Teen Guide to College and Career Planning

Roland, James. Teen Guide to College and Career Planning. Reference Point Press, 2023. 978-1-678-20358-0. 64 p. $33.05. Grades 7-12.

This title seeks to provide guidance to teenagers who are considering–or about to consider–their career options. It is divided into five chapters, covering Career Investigation; College and Career Prep; Outside of the Classroom; Applying for College; and Making the Right Choice. The overall tone is calming and encouraging; while giving broad roadmaps and suggestions, it encourages students to question and continue on their career journeys.  It wisely directs students to their guidance counselors, career and personality tests, and job shadowing.  It also includes helpful reminders to consider work-life balance, ‘think about the money’ (of the job), and ‘embrace the unknown.’  College is not the only avenue considered; career and technical education as well as skilled trades and a gap year are presented. Extracurricular activities, soft skills, part-time jobs, internships, community service, family responsibilities, and ‘being unique’ are examples given as worth building or worth mentioning in applying for college or careers. The book ends by noting that “only 27% of college graduates have jobs in their major fields of study” and advises students to stay open to changes in themselves and careers.

THOUGHTS: Overall, a serviceable title for the topic.

331.7 Career Planning

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