Elem. – The Umbrella

Ferry, Beth. The Umbrella. Illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld. Clarion Books, 2023. 978-0-358-44772-6. unpaged. $19.99. Grades K-2.

A girl and her pup endure a string of soggy, rainy days. Everything is glum, but pup still needs his walk!  Encountering a curio shop, the girl and her companion find a tattered yellow umbrella – for free! Walking home, it falls apart. A day later, on another rainy walk, our characters find that the tatters have sprouted into new yellow umbrellas! Passing them out to people in the park, the cheerful colored umbrellas chase away the gloomy day!

THOUGHTS: This cheerful and sweet book is perfect for rainy days!

Picture Book

Elem. – Hello, Rain!

Maclear, Kyo & Chris Turnham. Hello, Rain! Chronicle Books. 2021. 978-1-452-13819-0. $16.99. Grades PreK-2.

Rain can sadden people, but rain is also a reason for joy! This beautiful picture book shares the delights of the rain. From the ability to help flowers bloom, to splashing in puddles, Hello, Rain! shares many delightful aspects of a rainy day. As the main character plays inside and outside, she celebrates and is delighted in all that she sees and experiences.

THOUGHTS: A true rainy-day book to share when you have a rainy-day! This book illustrates beautifully the wonders of the rain and the possibilities it holds.

Picture Book          Rachel Burkhouse, Otto-Eldred SD

Elem. – I Don’t Like Rain

Dillard, Sarah. I Don’t Like Rain. Aladdin, 2020. Unpaged. 978-1-534-40678-0. $17.99. PreK-1.

Rabbit finds a pine cone and begins to play catch with his animal friends. When they notice dark clouds, Rabbit’s friends go inside because they do not like playing in the rain. Rabbit sadly returns to his house as the rain comes down. Then, he notices that Bird is having fun playing in a rain puddle and puts on a raincoat to join him.  The other animals also come outside to join in on the fun, which once again is put to a halt when the rain stops. But this time, they all enjoy what happens next. The colorful digital illustrations of the anthropomorphized animals were created by the author.

THOUGHTS: This picture book is a good choice for rainy day storytimes. It shows the value of being positive and making the most of a disappointing situation.

Picture Book          Denise Medwick, Retired, PSLA Member