YA – The Color of a Lie

Johnson, Kim. The Color of a Lie. 2024, 978-0-593-11880-1. $19.99. 336 p. Grades 7–12

It’s 1955, and Calvin and his family are moving from Chicago, Illinois to Levittown, Pennsylvania. While he and his family are Black, they are light-skinned enough to pass for being White. After moving into their new house, Calvin finds himself caught between two very different worlds. The longer Calvin and his family live in their new city, the more racial division and injustice he starts to see.

THOUGHTS: This book was phenomenal. I cannot wait to book talk it when my middle schoolers do their historical fiction novel unit in the fall. While there are historical elements like the Greenbook and redlining within districts it is written in such a way that is super engaging for teen and young adult readers. There also are elements of mystery woven throughout the novel which keeps readers wanting to know more!

Historical Fiction 

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