Kallen, Stuart A. Exploring Jobs in the Skilled Trades. Reference Point Press, 2023. 978-1-678-20336-8. 64 p. $32.95. Grades 6-12.
Exploring Jobs in the Skilled Trades focuses on six different jobs, all under the umbrella of skilled trades. Those jobs are auto service technician, solar photovoltaic installer, HVACR technician, electrician, nursery and greenhouse manager, and a wind turbine technician. The chapters on each of these jobs are set up the same with a few facts about the job at the beginning, an overview of the job followed by information about a typical work day, education and skills needed for each job, as well as information about potential pay and links to find more information about each job. At the end of the book, there are source notes, an index, as well as an interview with a wind turbine technician and a list of other jobs in the skilled trades area.
THOUGHTS: Overall, this is a very informative nonfiction book about upcoming jobs that don’t always require a four year college degree. This book would be useful in a middle or high school setting and would be good to use for display during career week. This would also be a good resource for guidance counselors as they are starting to help high school students figure out college choices.
331.11 Skilled Labor