Elem. – Looking at Layers (Series NF)

Looking at Layers. The Child’s World, 2020. $20.00 ea. 24 p. Grades 3-6. 

London, Martha. Looking Inside Earth. 978-1-503-83518-4.
Huddleston, Emma. Looking Inside the Human Body. 978-1-503-83519-1.
—. Looking Into Caves. 978-1-503-83522-1.
—. Looking Into Soil. 978-1-503-83520-7.
London, Martha. Looking Into the Atmosphere. 978-1-503-83516-0.
—. Looking Into the Grand Canyon. 978-1-503-83517-7.
—. Looking Into the Ocean. 978-1-503-83515-3.
Huddleton, Emma. Looking Into the Rain Forest. 978-1-503-83521-4.

An attractive nonfiction series exploring various layers of natural things, from the human body to soil to the rainforest. Straightforward text clearly explains concepts with a natural projection from outward layers in. Words from the glossary are highlighted in red which is a nice feature for readers. Sidebars focus on timely topics, such as “Creating Mountains” when text discusses tectonic plates in Looking Inside Earth. Visuals are both illustrations and photographs. Looking Inside the Human Body has fascinating illustrations of many body systems that will keep little readers absorbed. Back matter includes a helpful Fast Facts section that covers main points from the text, a glossary, “To Learn More” section, and index.

THOUGHTS: Nice collection additions if nonfiction is hot.

500s-600s          Lindsey Long, Lower Dauphin SD

Elem. – Exploring Earth’s Biomes

Exploring Earth’s Biomes. Capstone, 2020. 32 pp. $20.99 each. $125.74 set of 6. Grades 3-6.

Christensen, Victoria G. Freshwater Biomes Around the World. 978-1-543-57211-7.
—. Grassland Biomes Around the World. 978-1-543-57213-1.
Eboch, M.M. Desert Biomes Around the World. 978-1-543-57203-2.
—. Forest Biomes Around the World. 978-1-543-57204-9.
Simpson, Phillip. Marine Biomes Around the World 978-1-543-57234-6.
—. Tundra Biomes Around the World. 978-1-543-57235-3.

Attractively packaged, this series examines the geography, climate, plants, and animals of the earth’s biomes. The aquatic biome is discussed in separate volumes: marine and freshwater. In Marine Biomes Around the World, the author focuses on oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries. The text is accompanied by colorful photographs, charts, maps, and diagrams. The material is well-organized and holds the interest of the reader. The author provides suggestions on how to conserve this biome. Scientific terms are bolded in the text and are defined at the bottom of the page. A glossary and suggested readings and websites are in the back matter.

THOUGHTS: This series is an excellent choice for libraries wishing to update their biome holdings. It contains enough information for reports, but will also be an option for those readers wishing to learn about ecology on their own.

577 Ecology          Denise Medwick, Retired, PSLA Member